Malware Injection Techniques: Thread Execution Hijacking and SetWindowsHookEx
Malware Injection Techniques: Thread Execution Hijacking and SetWindowsHookEx#
Malware injection is the process of inserting malicious code into a legitimate program or file. This can be done in a number of ways and once the malicious code is injected, it can be executed when the legitimate program or file is run. This can allow the attacker to gain access to the system, steal data, or cause other damage. In this blog post, we continue to review the various methods of code injection!
Thread Execution Hijacking:#
This is often referred to as SIR, which stands for “Suspend, Inject, and Resume.”
This variant of the injection technique injects malicious code into the existing thread of a process (thereby avoiding the overhead of creating a new process and thread) and then uses the target to start a thread in itself. Previously, the shell code would have been injected by using the name of the DLL.
As a consequence of this, when we perform analysis, we can discover that the functions CreateToolhelp32Snapshot
and Thread32First
come before a call to OpenThread
// find thread ID for hijacking
hSnapshot = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPTHREAD, NULL);
if (Thread32First(hSnapshot, &te)) {
do {
if (pid == te.th32OwnerProcessID) {
ht = OpenThread(THREAD_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, te.th32ThreadID);
} while (Thread32Next(hSnapshot, &te));
To begin, the malicious software obtains a foothold on the victim’s thread.
The SuspendThread
function is then used to place the thread into a “suspended” state, which is the next step in the injection process:
The malware then calls VirtualAllocEx
function to allocate memory space:
rb = VirtualAllocEx(ph, NULL, my_payload_len, MEM_RESERVE | MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE);
Then calls WriteProcessMemory
function to code injection:
WriteProcessMemory(ph, rb, my_payload, my_payload_len, NULL);
There is a possibility that the code that was injected will contain shellcode, the path to a malicious DLL, or the location of the LoadLibrary
The figure here shows a trojan uses the Thread Execution Hijacking technique:
By executing SetThreadContext
, the malicious software modifies the EIP
register of the victim’s thread in order to take control of its execution.cThe address of the next instruction can be found in the EIP
After that, the execution of the thread is restarted, this time using the newly written shellcode:
GetThreadContext(ht, &ct);
// update register (EIP)
ct.Eip = (DWORD_PTR)rb;
SetThreadContext(ht, &ct);
The “SIR” strategy could present a challenge for adversaries due to the fact that suspending and resuming a process in the middle of a system call has the potential to cause the system to become unresponsive.
If the instruction pointer is referring to an address that is inside the range of the NTDLL.dll
library, then sophisticated malware would probably be able to circumvent this issue by pausing the process and attempting it again at a later time.
Injection via SetWindowsHookEx#
Intercepting function calls requires using techniques known as hooking.
It is possible for malware to make use of it in order to load their harmful DLL whenever a particular action is triggered in a particular thread.
Malware may invoke SetWindowsHookEx
in order to add a hook function to the chain of hook functions already installed on the system:
HHOOK SetWindowsHookExA(
[in] int idHook,
[in] HOOKPROC lpfn,
[in] HINSTANCE hmod,
[in] DWORD dwThreadId
The function SetWindowsHookEx
requires the following four arguments:
- The first argument is the event type, which specifies the scope of the hook type and can be anything from mouse inputs (WH MOUSE
) to the hitting of keys on a keyboard (WH KEYBOARD
, and so on.lpfn
- The second one is a pointer to the function that the malware wishes to invoke once the event has been successfully executed.hmod
- The third one is the module, and it is the one that contains the code that the malware will eventually call into action. As a consequence,LoadLibrary
come beforeSetWindowsHookEx
in the execution order.dwThreadId
- The thread that will be associated with the hook operation is the one passed in as the fourth argument. If it is set to zero, then the action will be carried out by each and every thread whenever the event is triggered. Malware typically just targets a single thread in order to produce the least amount of noise. As a consequence of this, it is possible to see calls toCreateToolhelp32Snapshot
in order to discover and target a specific thread.
Following the injection of the DLL, the malicious software will proceed to run its own malicious code in the context of the process whose thread-Id was passed to the SetWindowsHookEx
function. Something like:
typedef int (__cdecl *MyProc)();
int main(void) {
MyProc myFunc;
// load evil DLL
evilDll = LoadLibrary(TEXT("evil.dll"));
// get the address of exported function from evil DLL
myFunc = (MyProc) GetProcAddress(evilDll, "HackMe");
// install the hook - using the WH_KEYBOARD action
HHOOK hook = SetWindowsHookEx(WH_KEYBOARD, (HOOKPROC)myFunc, evilDll, 0);
return 0;
As you can also see, the UnhookWindowsHookEx
function uninstalls the hook process that was installed by the SetWindowsHookExA
It is not possible to inject a DLL that is 32-bits
into a process that is 64-bits
, and it is also not possible to inject a DLL that is 64-bits
into a process that is 32-bits
In the event that an application needs to use hooks in other processes, it is necessary for a 32-bit
application to call SetWindowsHookEx
in order to inject a 32-bit
DLL into other processes, and it is necessary for a 64-bit
application to call SetWindowsHookEx
in order to inject a 64-bit
DLL into other processes. Both of these calls are required.
It is necessary for the 32-bit
and 64-bit
DLLs to have separate names.
Figure shows the Ransomware Locky, which uses this technique:
Also if we investigate the open source, we will find that Quasar RAT employs Gma.System.SetWindowsHookEx()
is used internally by MouseKeyHook
, which in turn uses SetWindowsHookEx()
private IKeyboardMouseEvents m_GlobalHook;
public void Subscribe()
// Note: for the application hook, use the Hook.AppEvents() instead
m_GlobalHook = Hook.GlobalEvents();
m_GlobalHook.MouseDownExt += GlobalHookMouseDownExt;
m_GlobalHook.KeyPress += GlobalHookKeyPress;
private void GlobalHookKeyPress(object sender, KeyPressEventArgs e)
Console.WriteLine("KeyPress: \t{0}", e.KeyChar);
private void GlobalHookMouseDownExt(object sender, MouseEventExtArgs e)
Console.WriteLine("MouseDown: \t{0}; \t System Timestamp: \t{1}", e.Button, e.Timestamp);
// uncommenting the following line will suppress the middle mouse button click
// if (e.Buttons == MouseButtons.Middle) { e.Handled = true; }
public void Unsubscribe()
m_GlobalHook.MouseDownExt -= GlobalHookMouseDownExt;
m_GlobalHook.KeyPress -= GlobalHookKeyPress;
//It is recommened to dispose it
The majority of malware that steals information also includes a keyloggers via SetWindowsHookEx
Malware known as Hawkeye is offered for sale as “malware as a service.” The Hawkeye malware has undergone regular updates and enhancements over the course of its existence. It occasionally receives updates that include newly implemented capabilities and methods.
Sample of Hawkeye malware with SHA-256: dff7820b2b0b877c46a0cbc6be22b45b11511af7d50e36c7d83fa27f3db277b0
is disguised and coded in C# language. It performs process hollowing to its child process, which is the genuine Microsoft product RegAsm.exe
, which is used for .NET
assembly registration. This behavior is typical of the majority of HawkEye samples.
If a breakpoint has been reached and we are able to determine the parameters with which SetWindowsHookExA
was called:
SetWindowsHookExA (0xD, 0x7D18EA,0,0)
idHook = 0xD = WH_KEYBOARD_LL
denotes the type of hook that should be installed.lpfn
, which is the address of the procedure that handles the processing of windows messages.hmod = 0
because the procedure is contained within the code of the active process, and since all of the threads operating on the same desktop are monitored, this results in the valueNULL
(see last parameter)dwThreadId = 0
will install the hook on all currently active threads in the same desktop as the thread that is initiating the installation.
See also
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