Appsec Pipeline: Why Shared Security Accountability is Key to Success
Appsec Pipeline: Why Shared Security Accountability is Key to Success#
In the past, security has often been seen as an afterthought, something that can be tacked on at the end of the development process. However, this is no longer the case. With the rise of DevOps and the need for faster release cycles, security must now be built into the very fabric of the software development process. This is known as shift left security, and it is key to the success of any modern software development team. In this blog post, we will explore what shift left security is and how we can implement security right from the start.
What is the AppSec pipeline?#
Application security pipeline components are automation of the code review process, security checks and scans, auditing, and reporting. The outcome of this system helps us to operate the whole DevSecOps cycle, safeguarding each process with specialized methods and incorporating the full procedure with frequent communication in each phase.
Benefits of application security pipeline#
Here are the primary advantages of this operational, developmental, and secure system:
Reduced errors and less malfunctioning: By adopting automation at the very start you can lessen the likelihood of mishandling during the course of the project.
Using collective responsibility across all different teams: There is no specific responsible department for security, rather it is every team’s responsibility.
Less security incidents: With the shared responsibility method, incidents are decreased and security is strengthened.
Risk mitigation expenses: Another benefit is the reduced cost of risk mitigation. This is a natural outcome of implementing security as an integral component of production and making it everyone’s responsibility.
Importance of security and development teams’ collaboration#
A security shift-left contains an attitude toward the security approach’s concept, enabling the software development process to have a completely secure workflow at every level of the project development cycle.
What does a security shift left mean?#
In its most simple terms, security shift left means taking most of the steps that are done during the later phases of the lifecycle closer to the development phase such as code review, vulnerability scanning, static/dynamic scan, and so on.
Benefits of Shiftleft security#
When security moves closer to development, and tasks get done more quickly and easily. And that brings us to DEvSecOp’s other goal which is enabling the development team to do their own security testing, providing them with the proper tools and frameworks.
Dev or Security teams?#
As we have stated, security and development teams collaborate together on securing the application. But we should also make a quick distinction here. The development team must ensure the application/software is secure right from the start. And security team should play an auditor role in the shift left approach and they are responsible for application security.
This article discussed how and why development and security teams should collaborate, as well as why shared security accountability enhances overall success of the project. DevSecOps should be shift left and early in the security in a project’s lifecycle.
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