Enumerating Active Directory with Powerview#

In this blog post, we’ll introduce you to PowerView: a tool for active directory enumeration. We’ll cover windows Net command utilities and, how PowerView can help you enumerate Active Directory objects. By the end of this post, you should have a good understanding of what PowerView is and how it can be used to enumerate Active Directory objects.

Windows Net Command utilities#

First, let’s remember some examples of helpful commands:

  • net view /domain: This command displays a list of all hosts in the specified domain.

  • net user /domain: Displays a list of users.

  • net accounts /domain: Displays the password policy.

  • net group /domain : Displays a list of domain groups.

  • net group "Domain Admins" /domain : Lists people in the group.

  • net share : Displays the current number of SMB units.

  • net session: This is used to examine SMB sessions.

Because net commands are incorporated into every Windows machine, understanding how to utilize them may be a valuable tool for testing Windows devices.

Querying Active Directory groups using PowerView#

PowerView is an extremely useful PowerShell tool for obtaining precise information on an organization’s Active Directory domain and forest.

To utilize PowerView on our local machine, we first move the directory to where the PowerView module is located and disable PowerShell Execution Policy. The third command is then used to allow the use of PowerView with Powershell.

cd Downloads

powershell -ExecutionPolicy bypass

. .\PowerView.ps1

enumerating active directoryl

To retrieve information about your current domain run this command:


In the following image, we get the forest and domain controller hostname.

enumerating active directoryl

We can also get the list of the domain policies of the defined domain with this command:


enumerating active directoryl

This command shows all operating systems on the domain.

Get-NetComputer -fulldata | select operatingsystem

enumerating active directoryl

We can get a list of all users on the domain with this command:

Get-NetUser | select cn

enumerating active directoryl

To retrieve the Security Identifier (SID) of the current domain, use the following command: Get-DomainSID

enumerating active directoryl

To easily retrieve the identity of the domain controller on the current domain, use the following command: Get-NetDomainController.

As shown in the following snippet, we got specific details about the domain controller such as its operating system, hostname, and IP addresses.

enumerating active directoryl

To get a list of all the users on the current domain, use the following command: Get-NetUser

As shown in the following screenshot, we listed all user names which has a lowercase e in their username.

enumerating active directoryl

To list all domain computer accounts on the current domain, use the following command: Get-NetComputer

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To list all the groups within the current domain, use the following command: Get-NetGroup. As shown in the following screenshot, all the groups, and their details were retrieved:

enumerating active directoryl

To get a list of all the GPOs from the current domain, use the following command: Get-NetGPO

enumerating active directoryl

To get specific details about the current forest, use the following command: Get-NetForest. As shown in the following screenshot, we got information about the forest :

enumerating active directoryl

See also

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