File Directory Flags in macOS#

On macOS, there are some flags that can be assigned to files and directories which dictate their behaviour. In this blog post, we will explore what the available flags are, how they alter the behaviour of a file/directory and why cybersecurity professionals must know about them.

Is something hidden here?#

In the previous post on the directory structure of macOS, we saw how files exist in the root directory.

Be default, four directories are visible to the user - as seen in the following screenshot.

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Only when the [command + shift + . ] keystroke is pressed, it is possible to view the hidden files and folders in the root directory. Users familiar with Linux may recall that files and folders are hidden in Linux simply by adding a dot in front of the filename. However, this is not the case in macOS.

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Let us observe how the contents of the root directory appear in the terminal. In the following screenshot, pwd command has been used to print the path of the working directory, which is root in this case.

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When the ls command is typed, to list the contents of the root directory, we can see that the names of all files/directories, regardless of if they are hidden in the GUI are displayed. This is different from the behaviour observed in Linux. Then how is it possible to identify from this listing, whether a file/directory is hidden or visible in the GUI.

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Let us consider /etc folder, which is hidden in the GUI and view all details about it using -l switch. We can view the file’s permission string, this is similar to the permission string observed in Linux. Based on the first character l in the permission string, we can infer that this directory is a link to another one. The first character in a permission string typically indicates the file type, as in Linux.

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On macOS, files and directories may have flags assigned to them. To view the flags set for the file, the -O switch can be used. We can see from the following screenshot, that a new field of information is present before the timestamp. The field contains the values restricted and hidden. The restricted flag has been set by the system to prevent the user from modifying this folder. The hidden flag has also been set by the system, to hide this folder from the GUI.

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It’s demo time!#

Hidden - or not?#

Now, let’s try setting some flags on user files.

There is a folder called test/ that has one file example.txt and one folder sample/ with some contents.

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In the terminal, currently we are in the directory test/.

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Let us attempt to hide the folder sample/. First let us view the existing flags for this folder. In the following screenshot, a - in the field before the timestamp indicates that no flags have been set on the file yet.

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We will utilise chflags command to set the flag hidden on the directory. The syntax for use is as follows:

chflags [flag] [file/directory name]

Since the command requires elevated permissions to execute, sudo command is used. The purpose of sudo is the same [as in Linux]root-login-vs-sudo). From the following screenshot, we can see that chflags has been used to hide sample/ in the GUI.

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As expected, we cannot see sample/ in the GUI.

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However, executing ls in the terminal shows the presence of sample/ within the current directory.

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The following screenshot shows the different flags present (or absent) for the contents of the current directory.

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To remove a flag, the word no is simply prepended to the flag name and the chflags command is issued, as shown in the following screenshot.

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Now it is possible to view sample/ in the GUI.

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Safeguarding the contents of a file#

Let’s work with the text file example.txt now. It has one line of text, as seen in the following screenshot.

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Let us set the flag uappend on it, that only allows a user to append contents to the file. No line of text can be removed or overwritten. This flag is also referred to as uappnd.

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We can see that the flag has been applied to the file successfully.

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When we attempt to overwrite the contents of this file, we can see that the operation is not permitted. The command echo behaves similar to its Linux version. Read this post for more information.

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However, when we attempt to append contents to the file, we can see that it is successful.

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Now the file has two lines of text.

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Preventing any change to a file/directory#

Let’s assume a user has a file/directory that they do not wish to be modified at all. Then they can set the immutable flag on it. We will set this flag on sample/ directory. Before that, let’s confirm that it is possible to create new folders within sample/, when we right click anywhere in the directory.

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Now the immutable flag has been set for sample/.

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We can view the set flags for all the contents of test/ directory. This flag is also referred to with the names uchg and uchange, which is why we can see uchg in the screenshot below. Different names, but same meaning and behaviour.

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In the GUI, notice how there is a small lock symbol in the left bottom corner of sample/ directory’s icon.

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Within sample/, when we right click to add a new folder, we can see that the option is not presented in the dialog box that pops up.

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Even from the terminal, it is not possible to create a new directory within sample/.

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The flag can be removed with no prepended to the flag name, as shown below.

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Now the lock symbol also disappears and sample/ can be used without any restrictions.

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The same flag immutable can be applied to files to, to prevent any accidental modification.

Are there any other flags available?#

Yes, there are some more flags available on macOS.

  • There are variants of the immutable flag called by names like: schg, schange, simmutable that can only be set/unset by the super user. The flag variants we discussed above, can be set/unset by the file owner or the super user. Notice how the flags that can be used by the file owner start with u and flags that can be used only by the super user start with s.

  • There are similar variants of the append only flag that are only available to the super user. They are sappnd and sappend.

  • There are two other flags available to the file owner and super user: nodump and opaque that come in handy when dump command is used and when union mounts are used, respectively.

Why should cybersecurity professionals know about file/directory flags on macOS?#

Flags can be used to intricately modify the behaviour of specific files and directories on a system.

  • Penetration testers, red teamers or cyber adversaries may utilise these flags to modify the expected behaviour of a file or directory.

  • Consequently, digital forensic analysts can study the flags set on a file/directory to uncover information about unexpected behaviour.