Adversarial Artificial Intelligence#

Artificial intelligence or AI refers to the development of computer systems that can perform tasks that typically require human intelligence. AI-based computer systems aim to simulate and replicate human cognitive abilities, such as problem-solving, pattern recognition, language understanding, and decision-making. AI is also used in the development of anti-malware solutions that analyze large amounts of data and identify patterns of abnormal or anomalous activity. AI systems are not only to detect malicious activity but they can also be used by adversaries to evade or circumvent defense mechanisms. This article explores the concept of adversarial artificial intelligence, the techniques employed by adversaries to exploit vulnerabilities in AI-based systems and how can you prevent these types of attacks.

What is Adversarial Artificial Intelligence?#

Adversarial artificial intelligence represents a sophisticated technique that is used to exploit AI-based systems. It involves manipulating and deceiving these systems to produce an outcome that aligns with the adversary’s objectives. By strategically crafting inputs or introducing subtle perturbations, these malicious adversaries can exploit vulnerabilities within AI models, effectively tricking them into producing erroneous results or making incorrect decisions.

Tainted Training Data for Machine Learning (ML)#

Machine Learning or ML is a subspeciality of AI. ML works by feeding the computer a lot of data and algorithms that enable it to find patterns and make decisions based on that data. It’s like training a computer brain to recognize things or make predictions by showing it examples. Once the computer has learned from the data, it can apply that knowledge to new, unseen data to make predictions or perform tasks. ML models must be updated over time to adapt to changing conditions and handle new types of input data for enhancing their detection capabilities.

However, the dependency of ML on this training data set can present many security challenges. If the training data is tainted or of poor quality, it can significantly affect the performance and accuracy of the ML model. If an attacker gains knowledge of the algorithms or comprehends the machine learning process behind an ML model, he/she can intentionally taint the training data to exploit it. They may inject biased or misleading examples to manipulate the model’s behavior, causing it to produce incorrect outputs or ignore certain conditions. For example, if an ML model is trained to detect spam emails, but the training data includes a large number of mislabeled emails or lacks diversity in the types of spam emails, the model may not be able to accurately classify new incoming emails as spam or legitimate.

Preventing AI-based attacks#

Adversarial AI attacks can pose a significant threat to machine learning models, making it important to address these challenges proactively. This section presents how organizations using AI and ML-based systems can prevent these types of attacks from taking place.

Security of the Machine Learning Algorithms#

In order to effectively prevent adversarial artificial intelligence attacks, it is crucial to implement measures that safeguard both the security of ML algorithms and the integrity of the datasets used for training ML models.

Protecting the security of ML algorithms involves employing techniques to prevent unauthorized access or tampering with the algorithm’s parameters, code, or internal workings. This can include encryption, access controls, and secure storage practices.

Furthermore, ensuring the integrity of training datasets necessitates establishing rigorous data collection, validation, and cleansing procedures to mitigate the risks of tainted or manipulated data. Regular monitoring and auditing of data sources can help identify potential data integrity issues.


By prioritizing the security of ML algorithms and maintaining high-quality datasets, organizations can significantly reduce the vulnerability of their systems to adversarial attacks and enhance the trustworthiness and reliability of their AI-powered solutions.