Exploitation Frameworks#

While penetration testers and red-teamers often like to develop their own tools, sometimes it’s quicker and more efficient to use an existing tool. Similarly, using a common tool allows for easier exploitation of known vulnerabilities and a higher degree of standardisation and repeatability – this is where exploitation frameworks come in. In this article, we’ll explore some of the most commonly used frameworks.

What Are Exploitation Frameworks?#

Exploitation frameworks are comprehensive sets of software tools and resources designed to aid security professionals in discovering, exploiting, and ultimately securing vulnerabilities within computer systems, networks, and applications. These frameworks streamline the process of identifying and capitalizing on security weaknesses, enabling ethical hackers to mimic the tactics of malicious actors to assess and bolster an organization’s security posture.

At the heart of an exploitation framework lies a vast repository of pre-built exploits, payloads, and post-exploitation modules. These resources are curated to exploit known vulnerabilities, granting security professionals access to vulnerable systems for the purpose of assessing their resilience to cyberattacks.

Why Are Exploitation Frameworks Used?#

The primary objective of exploitation frameworks is to proactively uncover security vulnerabilities before cybercriminals can exploit them for nefarious purposes. Ethical hacking, penetration testing, and vulnerability assessment are crucial components of modern cybersecurity practices, and exploitation frameworks play a pivotal role in these endeavors. Here are some key reasons why these frameworks are employed:

  • Vulnerability Assessment: Exploitation frameworks allow security professionals to simulate real-world attacks and assess an organization’s susceptibility to specific vulnerabilities. By exploiting weaknesses in controlled environments, they can identify areas that require immediate attention and remediation.

  • Penetration Testing: Penetration testers use exploitation frameworks to evaluate the security defenses of networks, systems, and applications. They aim to identify vulnerabilities, assess potential impact, and provide actionable recommendations for improving security.

  • Security Research: Security researchers use exploitation frameworks to analyze and understand the intricacies of vulnerabilities and their exploitation techniques. This research informs the development of patches and defenses against emerging threats.

  • Education and Training: Exploitation frameworks are valuable tools for teaching and training security professionals, allowing them to gain hands-on experience with various attack scenarios, tools, and tactics in a safe and controlled environment.

  • Red Teaming: Red teaming exercises involve simulating real-world attacks on an organization’s infrastructure to test its incident response and detection capabilities. Exploitation frameworks facilitate the execution of these exercises by replicating adversary behavior.

Advantages of Exploitation Frameworks#

Exploitation frameworks offer several significant advantages to security professionals and organizations committed to fortifying their defenses:

  • Exploitation frameworks provide a centralized repository of exploits and attack tools, saving time and effort by eliminating the need to develop custom exploits for each vulnerability.

  • They allow for comprehensive security testing, enabling the identification of vulnerabilities across various layers of an organization’s infrastructure, including network, operating systems, and applications.

  • Exploitation frameworks create realistic attack scenarios, closely mimicking the techniques employed by actual threat actors. This realism enhances the accuracy of assessments.

  • By uncovering vulnerabilities and their potential impact, organizations can make informed decisions regarding security investments and prioritize remediation efforts.

  • Security professionals can continuously update and expand their knowledge and toolsets by leveraging the community-driven development and contributions within these frameworks.

Drawbacks of Exploitation Frameworks#

While exploitation frameworks are indispensable tools for ethical hackers and security professionals, they are not without their limitations and potential drawbacks:

  • The use of exploitation frameworks must always adhere to ethical and legal boundaries. Unauthorized or malicious use can lead to legal consequences and damage an organization’s reputation.

  • Exploitation frameworks may produce false positives, misidentifying benign systems or configurations as vulnerabilities, leading to unnecessary investigations and remediations. To be fair, this is a risk for any tool captable of automated scanning.

  • These tools require a deep understanding of cybersecurity concepts and techniques. Novice users may struggle with their complexity, potentially causing misconfigurations or errors. Some frameworks are so extensive that they also take time to learn and master.

  • Some exploitation frameworks can be resource-intensive, requiring substantial computing power and memory. This can limit their use in certain environments or on lower-end systems.

  • If used improperly or without proper safeguards, exploitation frameworks can introduce security risks to the environment being tested. It’s crucial to isolate testing environments and obtain proper permissions.

Examples of Exploitation Frameworks#

Let’s now meet some of the most commonly used frameworks which you should be aware of.

Metasploit Framework

Metasploit is one of the most widely used exploitation frameworks for penetration testing and ethical hacking. It provides a comprehensive set of tools for discovering vulnerabilities, exploiting them, and gaining unauthorized access to systems. Metasploit is renowned for its extensive database of exploits, payloads, and post-exploitation modules, making it a powerful choice for security professionals.

One common attack using Metasploit is the MS17-010 (EternalBlue) exploit, which targets a Windows SMB vulnerability. Here’s an example of what the terminal output might look like when running this exploit:

msf6 > use exploit/windows/smb/ms17_010_eternalblue
msf6 exploit(windows/smb/ms17_010_eternalblue) > set RHOSTS
msf6 exploit(windows/smb/ms17_010_eternalblue) > set LHOST
msf6 exploit(windows/smb/ms17_010_eternalblue) > exploit

Cobalt Strike

Cobalt Strike is a commercial penetration testing tool that offers a wide range of features, including post-exploitation, social engineering, and command and control (C2) capabilities. It enables security professionals to simulate advanced attack scenarios, manage compromised systems, and evade detection.

An example of a Cobalt Strike attack is using its Beacon payload to establish a C2 connection with a compromised system. Here’s an illustration of the terminal output:

beacon> ps
[*] Tasked beacon to list running processes.
[+] host called home, sent: 185300 bytes
[+] received output:
   PID   PPID  Name                       Arch  Session
   ---   ----  ----                       ----  -------
   464   460   explorer.exe               x64   1
   496   480   svchost.exe                x64   1
   1004  976   Beacon32.exe               x86   1


Empire is an open-source post-exploitation framework that focuses on agent-based post-exploitation. It provides a set of modules for maintaining persistence, lateral movement, and data exfiltration within compromised systems. Empire is designed for red teaming and adversary simulation.

An example of an Empire attack involves using a PowerShell stager to deliver a malicious payload. Here’s an illustration of the terminal output:

(Empire: stager/windows/launcher_bat) > set Listener http
(Empire: stager/windows/launcher_bat) > execute
[*] Stager output written to launcher.bat


Armitage is a graphical user interface (GUI) for Metasploit, making it more accessible for security professionals who prefer a visual interface. It streamlines the process of conducting penetration tests and managing Metasploit exploits.

An example of an Armitage attack might involve using its GUI to select and launch a Metasploit exploit against a target system. While Armitage provides a graphical interface, here’s a simplified textual representation of the process:

[Armitage] > Select exploit
[Armitage] > Set target IP and options
[Armitage] > Launch exploit

These exploitation frameworks play a crucial role in penetration testing, vulnerability assessment, and security research. They assist security professionals in identifying weaknesses in systems and applications, ultimately helping organizations strengthen their security defenses.

Exploitation Frameworks and Antivirus#

Exploitation frameworks, while powerful tools for security professionals, often face a significant challenge when it comes to antivirus detection. Many of the exploits and payloads used in these frameworks are well-documented and known to antivirus software. This familiarity stems from the fact that security researchers and ethical hackers openly share their findings and code within the cybersecurity community. Consequently, antivirus programs are equipped with signature-based detection mechanisms that can recognize these known attack vectors and payloads. This recognition can trigger alerts or block the execution of exploitation attempts, potentially thwarting the efforts of ethical hackers during penetration tests or vulnerability assessments. As a result, security professionals must employ various evasion techniques, such as polymorphic code or custom payload development, to circumvent antivirus detection and effectively assess an organization’s security posture

Final Words#

Exploitation frameworks are invaluable assets in the arsenal of ethical hackers and security professionals dedicated to strengthening cybersecurity defenses. By uncovering vulnerabilities and providing insights into potential weaknesses, these frameworks enable organizations to proactively address security risks and fortify their digital assets. However, their use demands a high degree of responsibility, ethics, and expertise to ensure that the benefits they offer are realized without causing harm or disruption to clients.