MCSI #005: Learn how to conquer the complexities of cyber security with an audacious mindset#

If you’re subscribed to this newsletter, you’re likely interested in honing your cybersecurity skills and achieving success in the field. Whether you wish to secure your first job or advance your current career, the right mindset is essential for gaining the results you desire.

In this edition of the newsletter, we’ll explore the top three mindsets to mastering cybersecurity.

Lesson #1: Practice the impossible#

For both beginner and experienced practitioners alike, the skills they aspire to acquire can often seem out of reach. Cybersecurity is an expansive field, and attempting to learn something new can be intimidating. However, the key factor that separates those who ultimately become experts from those who give up after a few hours or weeks is their mindset of conquering the seemingly impossible.

“Practice even what seems impossible. The left hand is useless at almost everything, for lack of practice. But it guides the reins better than the right - from practice.”

  • Marcus Aurelius

  1. Set yourself a goal

  2. Divide your goal into milestones

  3. Create yourself a Study Plan

  4. Practice for hundreds of hours

  5. Ask for help and feedback

It is quite common to experience little or no progress in the initial 10 hours of practice. However, with continued effort and dedication, it is possible to gain enough knowledge and understanding to make the “impossible” seem attainable. It may take as many as 100 hours of practice to reach this point.

Lesson #2: Strive to outdo previous achievements#

Your mindset should be to strive for continual improvement and growth. Take the time to carefully assess your work and identify areas for progress. Then, dedicate yourself to making incremental progress every day, aiming to become 1% better each day. Doing so will ensure that you are always on the path to success.

  1. How can I improve my programming skills?

  2. How can I improve the quality of my reports?

  3. How can I better document my work?

  4. How can I produce more professional work?

  5. How can I improve how I communicate the value of my work and ideas?

It is beneficial to ask yourself questions like these ones again and again, with the aim of achieving maximum improvement in each area of your work. Constantly strive to reach the highest standard possible, and make sure to practice until it becomes second nature.

Lesson #3: Grind alone in silence#

This lesson is of the utmost importance. The vast majority of individuals who excel in the field of cybersecurity work diligently and independently, often without the benefit of social media presence, blog posts, or conference presentations. While some of us may pursue such avenues in order to promote our businesses and expand our job opportunities, the majority of people are content to hone our skills behind a computer screen for countless hours for no other reason than self-actualization.

I personally devoted an average of twelve hours a day for six months to the development of the first version of the MCSI Online Learning Platform, seven days a week without a break.

Though it may appear to outsiders that solitary grinding is a lonely experience, it’s anything but. We revel in our work, delighting in the joy of mastering our chosen craft. We eagerly await the chance to share our creations with the world and the opportunity to build something remarkable. The beauty of grinding is that it allows us to express ourselves and bring our ideas to life.

When you’re ready, this is how we can help you:#

At MCSI, we believe in empowering our students to become cybersecurity experts through practice and critical thinking. Our approach is backed by cognitive science, and involves providing students with challenging problems that they must solve independently, without solutions. To experience this unique learning method, we invite you to take advantage of our certifications. Register today to start your journey!

Subscribe to our newsletter#

Are you looking to learn cyber security, land a job, or improve your current skills? MCSI’s newsletter is the perfect resource for you. Our newsletter is dedicated to helping students stay up to date on the latest news and trends in the cyber security industry. We provide helpful tips and tricks on how to land jobs, as well as insights into how to improve your skills. Don’t miss out - subscribe to our newsletter today and start taking advantage of all the benefits it has to offer!